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Divorce Mediation

Divorce mediation is a process in which divorcing spouses try to negotiate an acceptable divorce agreement with the help of a neutral third party: the mediator. The mediator helps the spouses to communicate and negotiate but doesn't make any decisions for them.

Divorce Mediation

As an experienced [LOCATION] divorce lawyer with [YEARS EXPERIENCE] years of experience [CLIENT] helps in the mediation process of divorcing spouses to try to negotiate an acceptable divorce agreement with the help of a neutral third party known as a mediator.


As a [LOCATION] divorce mediation attorney it is our job to know the law of [LOCATION] to help couples reach a beneficial agreement for both parties.


Keep in mind a divorce mediator is neutral and doesn't "work" for either parent. That means the mediator cannot give advice to either party.


They must remain “neutral” no matter what the situation.


The job of the mediator can assist the divorcing couple in formulating ideas that can eventually lead to agreements that will stand the test of time. That open and free exchange of information frees up both spouses to negotiate with each other in confidence.


Going with the right [LOCATION] divorce lawyer it is crucial in making sure your legal rights are being honored and that each individual opinion is respectfully and equally heard.


Often times this process can take place in the office of the mediator instead of going into court and taking the stand against one another. Our jobs as a mediator is strictly to help spouses communicate with one another and assist in negotiating the terms of their divorce but to never make any decisions for them.















You maybe asking yourself is divorce mediation necessary?


The answer to that is easier than you’d imagine. You see divorces can be very costly and emotionally taxing on both parties as well as on the family. By consulting with a [LOCATION] divorce lawyer to handle the divorce mediation process you have the opportunity to settle your divorce through a civil counseled conference to discuss the terms of your divorce rather than litigation. By way of mediation this can save both of you the potential backlash that can come with divorces.


At [CLIENT] we always ask if spouses would consider divorce mediation as an option to see if they would consider a method to speak their mind for what they want and need. This process is usually meant for couples that can handle the process in a mature and civil manner.


Couples with children we believe would benefit the most from this process since they will need to communicate with another after the divorce is finalized. Divorce mediation can be a great first step in establishing good post divorce communication.


If for any reason a settlement cannot be reached prior to entering the court system then it will be up to your attorney to present your case in front of a judge. At the conclusion of your case the judge will decide on the division of marital assets or sometimes referred to as marital property in a way that they feel is fair given the details of your case.















As a [LOCATION] divorce lawyer it’s up to us to inform you that martial assets can include your home, cars, furniture, businesses owned by the parties, jewelry, art, investments and even retirement accounts.


If you acquired any part of your pension, 401(k) plan, stock plan, stock options, deferred compensation and other retirement incentives during the marriage, that portion is marital property and must be shared with your spouse when you divorce. You may be able to trade other assets or come to an agreement if you want to keep your pension or retirement intact.


Essentially anything purchased during the time of marriage is potentially deemed a martial asset even if that purchase is under one party’s name.


At [CLIENT] we can assist you with best in class services like:


  • Certified Public Accountants (CPA’s) familiar with all divorce law and up-to-date caselaw affecting the financial situation you may be in.

  • Pension, 401(k), and Retirement Evaluators

  • Child and Adult Psychiatrist, Psychologist and Therapists

  • Certified Divorce Financial Planners

  • Marital Personal Property Evaluators

  • Real Estate Appraisers and Realtors

  • Business Evaluators if you or your husband own a business which requires valuation as part of the marital estate

  • Bankruptcy Counseling with Consulting Bankruptcy Attorneys


Divorce mediation is about you and your soon to be ex-spouse deciding what is best for the both of you and most importantly, your children if any.


If at all possible we work through the issues you need to resolve so the two of you can end your marriage as amicably and cost effective as possible.


Divorce mediation definitely has it’s benefits but for situations where one spouse has verbally or physically abused the other we recommend that both spouses seek their own legal representation.

Philadelphia Divorce Lawyers
Philadelphia Divorce Lawyers

© 2018 by Irving Enterprise, LLC

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